Kenya's Most Authoritative Political Newspaper

Citizen Weekly

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Let’s assess ourselves as we assess government and other entities

During initialisation, the computer carries out Power-    On-Self-Test. This process ensures that all internal devices are well and kicking. Jesus Christ in Luke9:18,20 posed this question; ‘Who do the crowds say that I am?’ Despite his dual citizenship in heaven and on earth, the son of God had to reassure himself that he was on the right track regarding his ministry. It is imperative for citizens of this country in whatever station of life to once in a while question their actions. This goes a long way in making amends in areas that may not be working well.
The month of March may look unremarkable except on occasions when it plays host to the Easter holiday. It is important to note that March marks the end of the first quarter of the year, a time when individuals and corporate a like, review their performances. If at all you ever made new-year resolutions, this is the appropriate time to assess whether they are working.
Many scenarios serve to warn against following other peoples’ ways and beliefs blindfolded. We must once in a while assess our course of action for this is good for this society. In the recent times, many sects and cults have emerged with damaging consequences. We have witnessed what the activities of the likes of Kanyari and Timberlake have done to this country. Kanyari inflicted damage to his victims’ pockets while Timberlake snatched from the media and legal fraternity an invaluable asset in the name of Esther Arunga. There are customs and traditions whose execution puts communities in conflict. An incident in Matungu area of Kakamega county where a newly born baby was buried alive just because it was fathered by an uncle of the mother is irritating. Such practices and others like the Garissa massacre deserve condemnation of order number one. The perpetrators of the Garissa incident are sons born of mothers of this soil. They need to re-examine their ways and actions against the background of the Bible, Quran, the constitution and common sense. There is no message passed by maiming lives of innocent souls.
Pyramid schemes were hatched by a few individuals at the apex who played a round with their victims’ psychology. Millions of shillings were lost exerting pressure to the economy. If the people who bought into the idea blindly had questioned the merits and demerits of these schemes, the damage would have been averted. No institution is safe from invasion by the bug of trickery. Schools, marriages and even churches have at one stage become victims of having to follow actions and beliefs of few individuals who do not mean well.
Corporations and co-operative societies audit their accounts as a measure of their performance over a given duration. This helps to draw financial decisions which help to drive their cause forward. Staff appraisal is an exercise that has become to be associated with prudent management. It accords the management of institutions an opportunity to understand their personnel and make decisions regarding warning, retention, promotion and even sacking. This is a clear case of self-examination.    
The government is beginning to embrace the concept of performance contracts. This is commendable as it gives room for reviewing of performance of state officers at regular intervals while enhancing service delivery. The citizenry must reap value for their taxation money. Over the years the World Bank and other donors have held successive governments to account through project appraisal with emphasis being put on transparency.
Assessment of self on a regular basis serves as a mirror through which we look at ourselves and the society we live in with a view to changing our ways for good.  

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