of parliament from the Turkana community including even those who served from
1998 up to date have not made public the constituency development funds audited
report card of how they used the money since the introduction of CDF in 2004 as
is the case in other constituencies.
former larger constituencies that comprise Turkana West and Turkana North were subdivided into two - Turkana West and
Turkana North represented by Daniel Nanok and Christopher Nakuleu in Turkana
North, while Central created Loima and
Turkana Central represented by Protus
Akuja and John Lodepee respectively, and whose performance record is wanting.
Turkana South headed by James Lomeenen was split to create Turkana East of
Nixon Ngikolong.
development matters are being raised, the MPs from the Turkana community have
never articulated the concerns of the community and told successive governments
the myriad issues affecting their region. Most of them have not uttered a word
inside parliament and have kept to themselves like water in the pot.
few politicians who have been vocal in contributing in parliament are former MP
for Turkana and currently senate speaker Ekwee Ethuro on radio and television
and even in newspapers.
Turkana North MP and currently Turkana county senator, has been preaching peace
to the leaders from the neighbouring warring communities in Pokot and Samburu
on Kenyan side, , Karamojong, Jie, Dodoth from Uganda, Toposa from South Sudan
and Nyangatom, Dongiro and Merrile from Ethiopia.
MP for Turkana South who served one term in parliament as a parliamentarian and
currently is the Turkana governor Josephat Nanok has had his presence felt in
the area.
He has encouraged other leaders from the
county to hold a roundtable meetings with development partners and investors in
Turkana. He held a meeting which took place at Eliye Spring Resort on the
shores of Lake Turkana September 10-12, 2014.
encouraged participants and the organisers on the need to establish an airport
in Lodwar town and the county to create trade, peace and tourism from the
different counties within Kenya and partnering countries in the East Africa
community such as Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia. Residents feel the
neighbouring partners should come up to establish educational institutions,
open up the county with the creation trade trends with the support of the government and the international community.
MPs from this arid and semi-arid region have kept quiet without even bringing a
motion to the house when it is session. The new faces of the Turkana
legislators are not known to the Kenya public. Known only in the area where he
represents Turkana Central is MP Lodepe who conducted a football tournament in
Napetet village in his constituency.
Recently, together with Turkana deputy
governor Peter Lokoel, the leaders declared that they will not demand help from
the donor community. The county being rich in natural resources. Turkana boasts
many untapped resources from manpower, oil, gold and limestone.
leaders have been urged to combat the challenges of hunger and starvation that
have afflicted the Turkana people for many decades. The approach should both
short and long term.
such as engaging friends and agencies to donate food and material to mitigate
the hunger situations in various parts of Turkana and longterm initiative to
look at engaging government and relevant departments as well as development
partners so as to embark on long term adoption measures of capacity enhancement
for food production, water harvesting, conservation and efficient use as well
us promotion of pastoralist through ranches development are Greek to Turkana
Initiative on water resources management in the
Kerio and irrigation infrastructure in
Turkana River and other water resources areas like Lotikupu swamp in Turkana
West constituency represented by Nanok are alien concepts. Attitudes shifts
among the community to adapt to other livelihood sources apart from pastoralism
such as fishing, mining, basketry and tanneries industry revitalisation have
never been more required.
concepts of farming like green houses must be introduced to tame the pangs of
hunger but no MP has started such projects even in their own farms and they
still do it the traditional way making them no different from the naked
Turkanas who have never left the village.
leaders and other stakeholders are yet to build community action platforms that
will not only sensitise the local community but also provide points of meeting,
discussing, sharing and making common mutual actionable way forward.
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