Kenya's Most Authoritative Political Newspaper

Citizen Weekly

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Nyeri villagers now live in fear of grabbers

The Kirico villagers in Nyeri  who are worried about losing their homes where they have lived since Kenya attained independence have now submitted their complaints to the Lands cabinet secretary Charity Ngilu.
Their letter is copied to the Lands commissioner, the chair person of taskforce for historical land injustices, Nyeri county government, Nyeri  county commander, the OCPD and the DCIO.
All 234 villagers complain that they have been under intense pressure of being illegally evicted since 1990 allegedly to give room to tycoons who intend to erect commercial bungalows.
More than 100 Kirico villagers have submitted their application bearing their identity numbers and signatures against their names demanding title deeds as Nyeri county council had promised.
It was decided after Kenya attained independence  that every village should set aside public utility for schools, hospitals, churches, cattle dips and residential plots for the landless people.
Kirico villagers are now living in fear of being evicted after the house of one James Wacira Kimondo was demolished last December in his absence and leaflets about threats scattered. Action has not been taken although the incident was reported to Kiganjo Police Station.
They appeal to Ngilu to stop illegal land activities and grabbing of the village land, since the villagers have nowhere to go.
They challenged the provincial administration to adhere to the agreement made when the land was set aside for villagers, instead of helping the land grabbers.           

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