Kenya's Most Authoritative Political Newspaper

Citizen Weekly

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Residents carpet Nyali MP for calling their estate slum

Residents of Mkomani, Kongowea, Maweni Mnazi Moja and Kisumu Ndogo areas in Nyali constituency  are a bitter lot regarding underdevelopment .
The area MP Hezron Awiti and MCA are nowhere to be found for anybody to raise and or air their views. The MP’s office at Leisure area is out of bounce for ordinary votersi. Whenever the MP is in the office, bodyguards guard the gates such that people become afraid that they cannot even dare enter the office. 
Secondly in the said areas, they are the only areas with no infrastructure in Mombasa county mainly roads. The roads are  not tarmacked compared to other areas like in Kisauni, Majengo Sparki and Makupa areas. While other area MCAs are busy developing their areas within their wards, the MCA Opeya and Awiti are nowhere to be seen. They have marginalised the area such that the upper Nyali where the who is who in Mombasa live are well taken care of moreso in the areas around Nyali Police Station, All the way to Nyali Nakumatt have all the necessary facilities. In this time and era where roads have been tarmacked and or made using Cabro but in the above mentioned areas nothing is being done with word the MP refers to them as slum areas.
A contractor,  Njuca and Company Contractors, who was regrading the road did a shoddy job and left the roads in the area in a bad state. There is no drainage outletv and when it rains houses along Maweni from Maweni Primary School, Main gate, Bustani Estate, Mnazi Moja all the way to the road joining off-beach road are flooded with water, a resident said.  
There are no street lights, water, insecurity is the order of the day and night.

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