Kenya's Most Authoritative Political Newspaper

Citizen Weekly

Monday, 23 March 2015


PARLIAMENT has been hit by a sex storm after Turbo MP Elisha Busienei, allegedly became violent towards Taveta Woman Representative Joyce Lay, for refusing his sexual advances.
Busienei is said to have insulted her and slammed a door in Lay's face during the recent state visit by President Uhuru Kenyatta in Japan.
The MPs, who are members of the Defence and Foreign Affairs Committee, were part of the President’s delegation on the weeklong visit.
Lay brought the matter to the attention of other members of the Defence Committee on their WhatsApp group.
She asked the committee chair, Tetu MP Ndung’u Gethenji, to tell "members that they cannot disrespect women MPs just because they are women".
When asked by Gethenji what had happened, she replied; "Hon Busienei called me useless. In quotes; ‘you are so useless.’ I am so pissed Chair, I can’t even sleep."
She then explained that they were booked on the same floor and as she was talking to her Kitui counterpart Nyiva Mwendwa, Busienei went and stood at her door, barring her way into her own room.
"When I tell him to move away from my door he tells me that ‘hujui mimi ni Kalenjin’, then he told me ‘you are so useless’," Lay said.
At this point, Gethenji wrote: "Members please let’s not disrespect each other. And let us not escalate disagreements to conflict please."
But Lay would not let the matter rest after Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa told her that it should not be discussed on the forum.
"Please this is not to be discussed on social media. We have solved the issue and it was a mere misunderstanding and the Hon Busienei apologised. Goodnight," Wamalwa said.
Lay replied to him; "Chris he apologised while banging my door on my face… that’s not acceptable at all. Just because I am woman."
At this point, Gethenji intervened and told Lay, "Joyce. Please desist, we engage offline."
But Lay continued engaging Wamalwa, and this is where she accused Busienei of making sexual advances on her.
"I refuse someone’s sexual advances and he abuses me. You call it mere misunderstanding Hon. Chris?? Unbelievable!! Please don’t make it worse! I have stopped because the chair said so," Lay said.
Garsen MP Ibrahim Sane weighed in on the matter, saying that it was very bad to discuss such issues on social media, as it would harm their dignity.
But Lay responded; “Hon Ibrahim, I have a right even to discuss it on the floor of the House. You talk about dignity? So it’s very bad to discuss it or very bad to have been insulted by a member of the committee??"
Sane appealed to Lay to let the matter rest and have it handled once they were back in Kenya, but the Taveta MP would not hear any of it.
"So for you, Women MPs we go quiet and not to discuss it in social media right? I am reporting to the committee chat group because this not something I can calm down and wait until I come back. I am sure ingekuwa nyinyi wanaume, hata ngumi mngerusha sahii…. I am hurt that’s why I can’t keep calm," Lay said.
Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka and his Laisamis counterpart Joseph Lekuton also contributed to the debate, asking the rest to "handle each other with dignity".
"Parliament is already injured. Please let’s not take it to ICU. Hon Lay this is serious and no such thing can be tolerated. Keep calm and come home," Onyonka said.

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