Kenya's Most Authoritative Political Newspaper

Citizen Weekly

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Villagers say no to road in Keumbu

Residents of Nyamware area in Keumbu have been urged to give way for the construction of a new road funded by Kenya Rural Roads Authority.
Keumbu ward rep Kennedy Nyakundi said that the access road was important as it opened up means of transport to Nyamware primary and secondary schools.
Earlier the parents, students and local residents attempted to disrupt the road construction by chasing away the contractor alleging that the road was not under survey.
They claimed that the road was only a footpath and faulted the government for allegedly extending it to their school compound and farmlands.
The residents gathered at the school grounds where they vowed to stop the construction unless they are compensated for the destroyed fences, trees and crops.
They said the road was a footpath and the contractor erred in expanding it like a major classified road. The volatile situation was brought under control by area Chief Jonathan Micoma with the help of David Rogito, the chairman of secondary section.
The Nyamware Primary School PTA chairman Tom Ongeri, however, intervened and stressed the need to have the road opened up.
He said the road will help attract more learners to the two schools which have a population of over 500 and that the project  would open up the area to development.
He said the county government had also allocated more money on opening up roads and any opportunity coming will not be spared out as residents later complain on the impassable roads during the rainy season.
Nyakundi said by 2017, he wants all roads in his Keumbu ward opened up including the construction of the new bus park even if it means losing his seat which he has won twice.
Keumbu is the major supplier of sugarcane, bananas, avocados, pineapples, sweet potatoes and potatoes at county and national level through Kisii-Keroka road.

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